LeConté’s work has been featured in Poetry Magazine, Mom Egg Review, The Feminist Wire, The Killens Review of Arts & Letters, and Very Smart Brothas. Additionally, in 2011, she co-authored, co-edited, and co-published a poetry anthology with a group of teens from East Oakland, California entitled Y U Gotta Call It Ghetto?. Currently, she is working on a poetry collection focused on fertility, motherhood, loss, and hope across place and time.
“I write to keep a record…”
- Zócalo Public Square: The Fourth of You Lie
- African Writer Magazine: Incantation: A Cento & Sweet Release
- Anthropology News: Moving to the Postpartum Floor
- MER VOX: Growing Tired
- Aunt Chloe: A Journal of Artful Candor: Taniyah means Joyful, Beautiful, Messiah means Anointed One & Zoom Zombies
- born in a bed of good lessons (Cheryl Clarke, Ed.): afternoons
- Auburn Avenue: “Females”
- Small Orange Press: Translating Her Cadence
- Connotation Press: Visitation
- Visualize Health Equity: A Cento for what we’re building, Breaking Curses, & The Spring That You Aged
- Berfrois: Out of Town
- TAYO Literary Magazine: Another Black Girl Seeking, Another Black Girl Stranded
- Poetry Magazine: We Who Weave
- The Wide Shore: SheDevil & Sun Sets West
- UC Berkeley Lunch Poems: Angels: Lost and Found
let’s connect
Contact or Book an Event
If you’re interested in booking me for an interview, speaking engagement, or consulting, please reach out today.
Dr. LeConté J. Dill